Enterprise teams
When you turn on the Enterprise Teams feature, the admin notifications that typically go to the account admin will now go to the team admins.
Video transcript
0:02 Hi there. I wanted to talk through our Enterprise Teams features for a minute. This can come in real handy when an account has grown or just comes in, um, with lots of client teams and credit pools to manage.
0:19 So I'm going to jump into my demo account, Gold Kitten. Uh, I don't have a lot of people accounts. I've got this administrator though, Stick Brown, who doesn't want to get credit pool notifications for every credit pool anymore, though.
0:36 They really want the credit. Golden Kitten Mittens team manager to get the notifications for this credit pool. Um, there's other notification types that fall into this category of working well with for Enterprise Teams.
0:55 When you turn on the Enterprise Teams feature, the admin notifications that typically go to the account admin will now go to the team admin.
1:05 So this is credit pool notifications like top up when people want to buy credits. Also the monthly account email. I'll have the full list in the readme docs.
1:19 But you need to enable enterprise teams. And then within each team, you'll need to set a team admin. So in this case, I want Green Lantern to now get The credit pool notifications for this team, or in here, I want Bill Patterson to get the notifications.
1:39 Now, Stick Brown, the account administrator, will no longer get notifications about credit pools or the monthly credit email, things of that nature, approval requests, etc.
1:54 Instead, Green Lantern will get them for the people for notifications generated by folks on the Golden Kitten Mittens team and Bill Patterson will get them for folks on this team.
2:06 Now I'm going to jump across to my client admin account for this team that was Stick Brown. I'm going to go in here, so Stick Brown is the admin and let's say in a different scenario, in a different account, the admin wants to keep getting those notifications and have the account that team admins get
2:28 them as well, well then they can turn on get all team admin notifications and this means as an account admin, you can opt in to receive a copy of notifications that are sent to the team admins.
2:41 This will be off by default. but any individual admin can turn it on and then they will get a copy of those those emails to basically continue, uhm, getting the notifications they would have gotten if Enterprise Teams was off.
2:58 That's all I've got for today. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
List of notifications impacted by enterprise teams
- Notify Credit Purchase Approval
- Notify Start Project Approval
- Notify Credits Top Up
- Notify User Joined Org
- Monthly Account Email
- New Project Placed by Anyone
- Notify Credits Expiring
Updated 4 months ago